The political climate of India in a nutshell

India,a collective sigh comes to mind when i bring up my country.
India,a country marred with political dissent,injustice and whatnot.
India,a land of indubitable diversity that had Mughals and The British Raj acquiring immeasurable wealth and spices among other things
India,my chests inevitably swells with pride owing to its richness but let us delve into the harsh political landscape that India provides to its citizens being the largest democracy with mistakes.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and this mine.
Right now,the current trend seems to be the right wing and the left wing ideologies that have spread forth to every nook and cranny and politics of populism seems to be the status quo.Politicizing news has been jput on a pedestal and coalitions are desperately clinging to power.Deftness when it boils down to political matters and blown out of proportion news coverage seems to be ruling the roost.
We have liberals,conformists,extremists and the most endearing term for Congress sycophants-"Chamchas"(insert GIGGLES).
Politicians spewing didactic lecture,brainwashing the public by springing up false hopes,galvanizing the people but to no avail?!If any systemic change needs to be brought in,it is now or never.
Firebrand revolutionaries and the common man alike wanting to bring about change from the grass root level onwards.India is a paradoxical land not just with regard to its distorted politics and fragmented class hierarchy but also due to its very confused multi party system.
False promises aside,you cant deny the passion with which our government servants operate


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