It was the year 2010, when suicides rates due to the Engineering was at an all time high. They were gloomy days and even darker nights. Lawmakers and policymakers were trying desperately to come up with viable solutions to combat this trend. Meanwhile, the cauldron brews out a flavorful and a redolent hue of something called 3 Idiots, a piece of cinematic genius and a shade of brilliance that was bound to change the course of Hindi film forever. A game changing and a bold attempt with such an aftertaste of humor is very rare nowadays.

Rajkumar Hirani makes you feel for the characters as well as feel like the characters feel throughout the pace of the movie. It is also emblematic of how teenage suicides triggered due to spurs of rash and volatile behavior in India's atypical engineering society. The duality is showcased well into the beginning of the film, despite being a little slow paced with equal ounces of drama, copious amounts of fun as well as a deep takeaway.

Aamir Khan plays this sort of kooky character who with his flashes of whimsical inventiveness races to the top of the career ladder, as opposed to his two dear friends. Sharman Joshi plays Raj or Raju as he is fondly called but doesn't quite get engineering but nevertheless pursues it. On the other hand, we are introduced to Farhan Qureshi, played by a sanguine Madhavan. His passion being wildlife photography ultimately leads him to become the best in the field. The whole story deals with the life and times of three die-hard friends and their resistance and tackle against the education system, albeit with a lot of humorous incidents that ensue. A brazen take on the sorry state of engineering and why students are made to undergo torture just so that they secure a degree and do something they aren't proud of, as opposed to something your passionate about is what it drives home.

"This is a college, not a pressure cooker" were booming golden words that echoed in my ear long after I marched out the movie theater."Life is a race, and if you don't look around once in a while, you might get trampled" is unfortunately very true. In our money-crazed world, we lose sight of our passion and commit grave mistakes with our life, but this movie is a beacon of hope to those who wish to do something different, be trendsetters in their respective fields.

The movie crisply and skillfully depicts the realm of engineering as a minefield but offers constructive solutions as well, thanks in part its brave writing, spectacular cast and also interspersed moments of humor that breaks the serious topic that it tackles.

The story is essentially about three college buddies who discover common ground, bring out the best in each other and meet interesting and quirky people who will go on to change their lives. Aamir Khan as a bubbly and sunny iconoclast learns to brave the odds and adversities stacked against them and in the process desensitizes his two friends to the world out there.

Granted, the movie  is marred with cliches but the movie takes in in its stride and turns it into something funny . The movie is an open backlash at the Indian education hegemony and you would think for a moment that the professors of the college knew any better but no, they just give in to the ongoing madness and this disturbing, race on a road filled with thorns with the tidings of a slave.

Amazon.com: Watch 3 Idiots | Prime Video3 Idiots (2009) - IMDbEngineering degrees are only degree-producing factories that does not care about the welfare of its students and this point is emphasized many times in the film. I am really happy about the changing trends that were encouraged post this movie's stint in the box office. Nailing a bullseye in almost all respects, this is but an indelible mark to great movie making and in hindsight am grateful for Hirani's boon the world. The underlying message in and of itself is a travesty but sit back, relax with a bottle of Chardonnay or Red wine and let the craziness of the movie invite you in. With its ample fun and jolting brutality, words won't do justice to the tearful emotions that I experienced on the eve of 2011's new year. This undying zinger will always be among those masterpieces that the Hindi film industry can even hope to achieve in its dizziest daydreams. It shows us that you commit yourself to your starry dreams and fantasies, the sky's the limit. I don't know if I have to say this but this work if art deserves a sequel which will make the inexorable juggernaut fall through the curtains and hit a nail on your heads. This is greatness personified. From Aamir's charm and ease at portraying a college student at a scary number of 45 years to Kareena's come-hither look of geeky glasses and nose rings to a full-blown testosterone fest with Boman Irani's very visceral portrayal, what else can I say?

3 Idiots: Rajkumar Hirani's iconic film completes a decade ...Give it a go and I promise you that you will be ready to take in the bombs that the director has in store for you.Drink it in, toast it with your near and dear ones because this film, much like life is fleeting.


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