Family, a paradox or a serendipity?

How mind-boggling is it to actually believe that god bestows upon each and every one of us a pair of people termed as our "family". Well, much to your chagrin folks you really can't chose your family.
Aren't they a happy accident in our lives?! Ranging from potty training to teaching us how to walk to catering to our every demand and whim, they have endured and done it all without so much as a fretful face.

Their love is but an echo in my heart as I crave their love and attention at every juncture, much like a hapless kid with a sweet tooth craving for his favorite candy. Well, a self-coined adage springs to mind-"not only are they bound to you by blood, they bleed for your sake".

On the thunderous eve of my birth, with my mother in labor expecting me and the deftness of my father who was readily available to her with ice chips and whatnot, the pain of childbirth is just an ode to how strong and tenacious my mother is. Reality, however paints a whole new picture.

Born on the 18th of April 1970, this great woman who I'm utterly pleased and fortunate to call my mother has gone through heaven and beyond in not just raising me and nurturing my very existence, our friendship is like that of a monument, forged by grit and marred by compassion. The learning curve that is associated with all familial relationships should never be taken for granted.

I have seen many a relationship floundering and crumbling like Ozymandias's statue, only because petty matters between the mother and the son or the father and the son occur. Being at loggerheads with your family members is a part and parcel of the said relationship. Ultimately, you forgive each other's minor lapses and continue with your life. My family is mine and mine alone, I get to lend a helping hand whenever required, stand by them through thick and thin and vanquish all odds standing in our way. Because we are not just a cohesive unit of four, we are a dysfunctional and paradoxical group of oddballs who share problems and offer solutions like every family is supposed to.

A family made through hardships, meandered through toxic relationships, swam through currents of adversities only to rise and shine with the glow of the morning rays of the sun. This is our family and we toast to our successes, failures but emerge more enlightened and battle- hardened.

My dad is a fighter. Born on the 12th of June 1967, he has seen and experienced life in its embryonic form. From living in his early 20's in an alien city called Bombay to traveling everyday in cramped public transport, he makes me ponder about the complexities that life hurls at you but one has to stand life eye-to eye and get over his fears, like he has been for an inordinate amount of time. This pumps me up and ignites a spark in me that I thought was missing so far.

A family is a metaphysical synthesis wherein every member gets to play an active part in improving not just the well -being of others but to also keep that relationship afloat.They offer you a slice of your life back to you that you had never explored before. Isn't a family all about give and take?
It is a serendipity that is a two-way street and is based solely on reciprocation.


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