What does being an Indian actually mean?

Lets face it people, being a hardcore Indian with patriotism and jingoism coursing through our veins is hard enough with the current political climate and whatnot. But a promise land like India with its vast potential, undulating and robust workforce will do wonders in the coming years. With the surge of the pandemic making it almost unbearable to watch a strong economy like ours collapse on its knees and capsize to nothing, the following days, weeks and even years will act as a woeful and hearkening reality to what's about to come. Despite being reared for  most of my childhood in the gulf, can I forget my homeland?

73 years after the course-changing Independence and here I find myself, back to square one wondering about the contributions of countless Indians in all forms of academia,sports etc with my chest swollen with pride. Plotting the future of India is going to be a bit bleak and uncertain(thanks to the Covid19) but what has being an Indian made me out to be? Just sit back and introspect.

With its heart rending freedom struggles to the lush, picturesque places. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari. I am no stranger to the fragrant lotuses and the jasmines in full bloom across every beautiful garden in India. With our cultural diversity and the amalgamation of mouth watering delicacies ranging from the everyday Palak Paneer to Gulab Jamun to the obscure Thepla, we have it all.

With the influx of various people and population explosion on the rise, our country is home to a billion something people who are pining away for a rich nation. When terms like "third world country" and "underdeveloped" are thrown around so loosely, it fuels my morale as an Indian.

Every nation or superpower had to unilaterally listen to its leaders, undergo systemic and grassroots change without having any say in the matter whatsoever. But our democracy is inclined to be the voice of the people, sorry people. All humor aside, I am really ecstatic about our country finding greener pastures, even amid this virus.

My heart is forever dedicated to the brave and valorous jawans who fight day and night in tumultuous conditions just so that we sleep soundly at night, all in the comfort of our opulent homes. Be it our military with its full proxy power and authority or be it our amusing display of animals out in the streets, these are all sights to behold.

A delineation comes to find when we try to salvage the inner Hindustani in us. Be proud of your motherland that has striven from time immemorial be it from the bygone era of the British Raj to eschewing in freedom or be it the prominence of the rice bowl of India to God's own country, we are a powerhouse.

Be it the pagadi of the Sikh, that seems to intrigue me even to this day to the Republic Day parades in the national capital to our immense strength displayed by our prime ministers. Let us shed all our inhibitions and forget all the atrocities that it endured in the past, what matters is that we stand in complete solidarity and unity with each other, our dreams will never be deferred. With our great global expansions to our totalitarian, partisan politics there are certain things that need to be rectified. But no country prevails without. errors.

Get ahold of your lungi, wrap it firmly around yourself, raise your pagadis or the Flag(whichever floats your boat)and stand in togetherness as we are one. Bharatiya and Hindustani permeate in a melting pot,there is public discourse and a need to understand the Indian zeitgeist. It extends beyond my love for our tasty food, breathtaking monuments et all. Being truly Indian starts by standing by your ideals and belief system, no matter what. Come on, we braved the Firangis. Anything else should be a cakewalk for us.

So, here I stand before you and urging you to rediscover your vedic roots and emerge as a full-fledged Indian, not just in flesh and soul but also in your duties. Are you Bharatiya enough?
Look into your soul and you will find the answers. I, for one was devoid of any Indian quality in me as was hell bent on criticizing our country but with time I learnt that you devote infinite patience
and do your bit for the betterment of this nation, and it will take you into its bosom and nurture the Indian-ness out of you. It will ensconce you like the canopy of trees do and I swear when you come out redeemed and full of love for your nation, you will have a halo around you.
The Indian is me is ready to usher in brotherhood and peace, are you?


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