
Showing posts from March, 2021

Guns Akimbo: A senseless and convoluted mess

 Right from the get-go this movie turns heads. Not just with regard to its quirky title but also with the motif and the cast, needless to mention. What blew my mind away was the Uber cool departure of Daniel Radcliffe from the Harry Potter claim to fame and typecast persona. Yes we get it. Harry Potter did indeed make all of our childhoods but you seem to forget the fact that he is a 31 year old grown adult now. He is at complete liberty to choose any role he wants, desperate to rid himself from the shackles of hackneyed characters. Now getting down to brass tacks. Guns Akimbo was a refreshing, new yet a disappointing take on cyber cries and cyber bullying. The story encapsulates the journey of a loser in the real world named Miles who is unhappy and dissatisfied with his video game designing job and "flips through the same three apps of his phone". He is a keyboard warrior used to hurl abuses and profanities at people. This is also ironically during the wake of the steady g

A journalist par excellence: Arnab Goswami

 I put this post before you as a result of not just my undying love for India's most beloved journalist but who is also my favorite as well. Arnab Goswami ladies and gentlemen. And what makes this post even more special is that we are commemorating his 48th birthday today. Yes, the same journalist who dominates prime time news. The bespectacled genius blessed with the gift of the gab and armed with his secret weapon- his sheer intellect went on to rise through the ranks and become the managing director and editor-in-chief of The Republic Media Network, perhaps India's most watched and sought after source of procuring viable information. Let me take you down memory lane. Arnab Goswami was born in Guwahati. Assam on 7th of March 1973 and me writing this blurb isn't mere coincidence but was rather ceremonious to the occasion. His upbringing was from an army regimented way of life owing to his father being an army officer. He attended schools across the length and breath of Ind

A mind-numbing mess: The Matrix, a review.

 I'm sorry if i'm going to be going on a long tangent here but this movie deserves all the brickbats it can. The Matrix, a movie or rather a franchise that ultimately went on to rule the hearts of moviegoers owing to its story-line, bizarre characters, camera angles, colors and whatnot. Releasing in 1999, this went on to become a cult classic. With Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie Anne Moss and many more, the star studded cast is probably the only redeeming factor of  the entire movie. That's it. Period. The concept is however very real as well as appalling, to say the least. It is something that is quite a probable possibility and deals with machines making humans do their bidding, as opposed to machines catering to the whims of humans. A decentralized fake world is created by these so-called machines who have imprisoned humans there, unbeknownst to their knowledge. It's really a treat to behold, especially with such power packed performances and oodles of eye

My tryst with food

 As a blogger, I write on numerous topics. Be it things that are close to my heart-like movies, food etc. Today, I'm going to be touching upon aspects of palatable food cuisines from around the world. Have you guys ever wondered how we get to find food items so delectable? What goes into making them landmark dishes? What makes a Burger the iconic sought-after food delicacy that it is? Why do you think Krispy Kreme sells their world famous donuts like hot cakes? Pizzas, a simple yet tasty Italian cuisine makes pretty much everyone's mouth water. You gotta the question the why, the how and the who. What makes a Doughnut unique when you bite into it? This post will give answers to all these questions...and more. Ever since i was a wee lad, i remember being the first one to carefully go under the guise of assisting my mom in cooking but would inevitably eat up all the treats she used to prepare. Such was my first brush with food, so much so that i fancied myself being a professiona