My tryst with food

 As a blogger, I write on numerous topics. Be it things that are close to my heart-like movies, food etc. Today, I'm going to be touching upon aspects of palatable food cuisines from around the world. Have you guys ever wondered how we get to find food items so delectable? What goes into making them landmark dishes?

What makes a Burger the iconic sought-after food delicacy that it is? Why do you think Krispy Kreme sells their world famous donuts like hot cakes? Pizzas, a simple yet tasty Italian cuisine makes pretty much everyone's mouth water. You gotta the question the why, the how and the who. What makes a Doughnut unique when you bite into it? This post will give answers to all these questions...and more.

Ever since i was a wee lad, i remember being the first one to carefully go under the guise of assisting my mom in cooking but would inevitably eat up all the treats she used to prepare. Such was my first brush with food, so much so that i fancied myself being a professional eater when i grow up. Oh, how life gives you a jolt and brings you back to reality. Anyways, back to my story.

From childhood pictures of me devouring every little snack procured from restaurants to sampling different cuisines, I've done it all. I wear it like a badge of honor because I've earned it, or rather eaten it so to speak. I'm as adventurous as they come.

I remember in the days of yore. My parents had brought home what i could only assume to be leftover pineapple salad from someplace outside. I dived right into it, to the bone. From licking up platefuls of food down to the last crumb to sometimes even unabashedly and quite shamefully polish off all the delicacies from my friend's dabba, my love for food has been undying. if only this passion translated into a high-paying, lucrative career I would literally be going places. 

Food has always instilled a sense of wonder and joy, not just in me but throughout mankind. Be it through the use of televised travelogues to covering food reviews of popular landmarks and whatnot, people have enjoyed the art of cooking in their own, intrinsic ways. A concept called as Charcoal Food has emerged of late in the 21st Century which is a by-product of the innovation of human spirit. Styrofoam Coffee to Dalgona Coffee to even showcasing the likes of a good-encrusted dose and many more. Made your mouth water,readers? From award winning bagels in Murican history to the renowned oh-so yummy hot dogs that come in all hues, shapes and sizes to pretzels, so on and so forth. India too has its fair share of lip-smacking delights. Spanning the vast expanses of amazingly delicious South Indian cuisines that typically include an accompaniment of rasam and rice, sambar, idly, vada, chutney and the Dosa. They have a soft corner in my heart and its also safe to say that i grew up eating them in my household, owing to the fact that i'm a pure-bred, typical South Indian. I absolutely adore my culture and of course its goodies. 

The South has left behind a legacy that is unmatched and unparalleled in terms of crafting one tasty dish after another. Foreigners are found aplenty enjoying the splendor and succor that South food provides. Of course, you Northies are not relegated. I'm getting to you folks in just a minute, hold your horses there.

So North India has this richness and bounty when it comes to their cuisine. It typically consists of an abundance of flavours, an added advantage of cottage cheese into its every dish. Paneer as it is commonly called also happens to be my favorite assortment. It goes well with literally everything, probably even buffalo barf for all you know. But hey, don't knock it till you try it.  

Anyways, i think we've gone a little far afield here. Back to the topic at hand. What i'm trying to say is that food has been an inseparable part of my life, and still is to this day. I cherish the sweetness of  a mango to the frothy goodness of the dalgona coffee to even trying squid given to me by a friend(in my defense, i didn't know that it was) to whatnot. My life, my food. This is me giving you food for thought(pun intended). Adios my dear readers. Maybe we can get together for a cup of Joe.




10 Amazing Burger Facts - Infographic25 Interesting Facts about BurgersOne Dozen Fun Facts About Donuts | Infographics Archive | Donut ...How to Make Donuts the Old-Fashioned Way | Eat This Not ThatHere's where you can find the best doughnut shops in every state ...Krispy Kreme Delivery Will Bring Donuts to Your Door | Eat This ...

 McDonald's (@McDonalds) | TwitterPerfect Burger Recipe (VIDEO) - NatashasKitchen.comBurger King around the world - Insider


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