Every dog has it's day.

 Good morning my fellow readers. This post will be one that is of a dear diary moment and since I don't keep a diary i decided to write it here, a la my safe space. It talks about a loss that i recently faced. The loss of something that i held very dear to in my life. You might be thinking as to why I am out of my element for a while now, well that can  be attributed to my writer's block as well as the need to be more relatable and mellow, if that makes sense.

Well here goes. After weeping profusely for 2 days straight since the incident occurred, this is merely my way of acknowledging my grief and speaking it out into existence. Since entrenching myself in the locales of a suburb called Nagarbhavi and failing to find friends my own age, my only companions here are the four legged cuties who are teeming like there's no tomorrow. One particular bond forged with this cute little white bundle of joy was enduring and pure, at least i hoped it would be.  It was merely happenstance that I fell completely head over heels over a stray puppy. Yes, you heard me. 

With its alabaster complexion to its most endearing smile to its robust athleticism to whatnot, I was smitten by it since day one. The main highlight of the day was me going on to fetch it and spend some quality time in any physically strenuous activity in the park. Showering unrequited love onto had become the norm. I really couldn't pass my day without a glimpse of that cute white snowball prancing around and waiting for us in all its rambunctious aura. Bringing it home on the sly when my parents were away was also on the bucket list and it was fulfilled. So much so that we even gave it the occasional shower whenever it used to pop in unexpectedly into our home. I now remember you my friend. With melancholy and nostalgic fondness.

A similar incident occurred wherein i had inadvertently befriended a vegetable seller's puppy which met the same sticky fate as ours. I was equally devastated.

Right now with my psyche being completely torn apart because life really is erratic and deals the harshest blows with nothing in sight to tether those broken fragments,  I find no solace or succor anymore. This here is an ode to my short-lived yet one of the most impactful friends i have ever had. Here's to you my friend. Your spirit will linger on for all eternity. You were one of the most playful souls i had ever encountered in my life. Never in all of my 21 years of living on planet Earth have i ever been this badly affected by the loss of a loved one. Always respect the fact that life is transient, value and respect those who are living with you through thick and thin and make the most of it.

Enjoy in the afterlife my lovely, gregarious little buddy. May you find more bite-sized treats to much on. I cannot proceed anymore as the waterworks have already begun. I LOVE YOU 3000 my buddy. I always have since the day I met you. This here is an ode to you my baby. May you bring all the happiness to someone else. Take care, Caio Adios. Woof Woof. See you on the other side.


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