
Showing posts from April, 2020

The rise and tide of startups

A startup, in the most general parlance implies an idea that has grown to become a multi-million dollar industry. Let us take for instance The Silicon Valley, which is nothing but a group of geniuses spearheading or leading a bunch of companies that they co-founded or founded and that global hub attracts all sorts of FDI(Foreign Direct Investment) and thus impacts how we perceive globalization on a whole. Global conglomerates like Amazon,  Google, Microsoft and Apple to name a few have gone on to rule the market space for the next millennial, due to its vast growth rate, employability factors that are only accentuated by the field of computers(sorry, if you wanna work in Amazon or any multinational you solely require a computer science degree,  simple as that). There have also been many factors that seem to go against Amazon's tenets and they are: 1) There have been many warehouse allegations and infringements of stocks shared within the Amazon board members in September 200

Is the sporting industry D.O.A(dead or alive)?!

Sports. The very word is something that was once shrouded in mystery but has evolved to suit what the people desire. Be it the Imperial art of cricket which was introduced by the British Raj but has indiansed itself so much so that we now consider it our baby,so to speak and then we have Kabaddi, a fun game of physical jostling that was conceived in the very womb of India. The niche of Chess which although requires a lot of brain power is also a fun way to kill time was also a product of Indian whimsicality. The Mughals, Zealots and overlords all enjoyed a similar passion for chess. The popular epic of Mahabharata too had a secondary character named Shakuni who harbored  a fondness for a board game which all invariably point to the fact that we are a predominantly sports loving country. Kiren Rijiu being the sports minister has indeed given India a slight edge when it comes to excelling at International level sporting events like the Commonwealth or the Olympics, among others. It als

Has 2020 been the most heartbreaking year so far?

The ball drops, the bells chime and people all over the world set to congregate in large numbers, be it Times Square, dinner parties etc to celebrate the ushering of the new year with their near and dear ones. And lets just say that the ringing in of 2020 has been most opportune and fortuitous.Little did we know about the impending series of actions that have changed the course of our lives. I will be brutally honest here, I was waiting for that one birthday to come my way...yes my 20th birthday this year. It just promised good tidings and a seamless passage of time. But this just led to fleeting moments of chaos and pandemonium all around the globe. It started with a series of domino effects with the spread of the nasty strain known as Corona virus which has impacted every single one of us. And now, I amble about my living room after learning about the death of the great Irrfan Khan. He really was an actor extraordinaire, a grounded human being and above all a man who was dedicate


All you millennials and Gen z individuals, this article is specifically for you and those who have given their oh-so -large hearts to the young and hip boy("pretty boy")band known as BTS. This band has been making headlines for their "music"(my taste in music differs, although this one is questionable to say the least)and for their extensive use of bourgeois and blindingly pale makeup. Swooning hearts all over, their cacophony only seems to grow by leaps and bounds. Hey, I  am a hardcore music lover don't get me wrong,but just something about dolled up men singing on stage makes me feel that the music industry is in the wrong hands. What started as a mom and pop music group like BTS, a Korean pop band as you kids call it these days is just an overrated group of misfits up to no good.Their marketing gimmicks are poor and that goes with their really boring and tasteless music. What it really specializes in is by keeping the younger viewers hooked  by a magical tr


Ever since  I dusted off my newfound blog which was lying in a corner dormant, i decided to write just about anything that caught my fancy. So gritty political issues and lengthy contemporary issues aside, here goes my movie review of Lakshya. I give you ladies and gentlemen Farhan Akhtar. A multi talented singer, actor and a director par excellence is all of just 46 years and has displayed brilliance in all his works and specially with this gut wrenching flick. After all, its not everyday that you get to see Hrithik Roshan on the big screen wielding guns and in a slick, army uniform.It chronicles a really important message actually and that is:" Life is short, so make the best of it. You are the architect of your dreams, is what I feel and nothing is going to stop you from achieving it. Hrithik Roshan quite convincingly pulls off a never-do gooder slacker who is completely blase about his life and has no clue what to do despite being in his 20's. We get to see the contrast


Lets be honest folks when it comes to how the entire world has responded to music, India surely is the runt of the litter, metaphorically speaking. From producing and nurturing the biggest and the greatest guns in the industry like Kishore Kumar and The Beatles to George Michael and whatnot, has the world moved on to a better place? We are at a crossroads when it comes to the subtle art of music making. The evocative way in which it is sang is nowadays non-existent in the Hindi film industry or even the world. Take for example:the mass hysteria following the "Rocket man's" era wherein Sir Elton John went on to becoming the most sold out singer back in the 20th Century and his songs have shaken millions of hearts and peddled oodles of love to not just Britons but just about every other music fanatic. Wow, kinda resembles Freddy Mercury's live-aid concert doesn't it? With the change in industry practices, work ethics and a personal need to churn out better music, t